7 Tips for Pros Aspiring to Work with Fire Departments

Do you aspire to work within the fire service? While I can appreciate how difficult it is to get your proverbial foot in the door, there's also an elegant step-by-step process that seems to work. Let's get into it.

  1. Let's realize that many times, we professionals are coming out of the woodwork and trying to convince a FD that they need us. Super-secret pro tip: they DO need us. But many times, they don't yet know it. So, the more aggressive we are with them, the more we come off like a used car salesperson...and they weren't even looking for a car. Summary: have finesse and respect for their hesitation. But don't let that stop you. Take it slow and be cool, and don't be desperate. You have another job right now that's paying your bills. You don't NEED a job in the fire service. You WANT a job in the fire service. And if you need that job working with the fire service, I'd highly recommend you go ahead and get a different job in the meantime. Your dog's gotta eat!

  2. The fire service is a family and isn't too keen on outsiders. If we're being honest, they're not too keen on health and wellness insiders either. Quick side note: a highly credentialed and qualified health and wellness pro who happens to be a firefighter will NEVER EVER be very successful in their own department. That said, as an outsider, you need to form a trusting relationship with not only the department but with the individuals within that department. And that process is much like dating. You're on your best behavior, wearing nice clothing, looking smart and professional while attending a class, doing a ride-along, and showing up at a meeting that's open to the public. The fire department's first experience with you should not be you handing them a proposal.

  3. After creating a relationship, which takes time, ask permission to conduct a needs analysis with them. Make sure you're getting input from various stakeholders including administration, line personnel, union, and potentially the governing body. During your needs analysis identify their perceived struggles, their actual problems (which may be different), and goals. Make sure to listen around the edges and ask good questions. A department may tell you that back injuries are a huge issue, but if you ask the follow-up question and find out they've had only 1 in 4 years...that's not truly a huge issue. It's unfortunate, but not their biggest problem.

  4. Create a solution to solve their problems. No one likes to be sold something, but everyone wants a solution to their problem and is happy to pay for it. Cater your solution to be in your lane and hit on your strengths. {If you're not a dietitian, avoid making nutrition consults a part of your solution, for example}

  5. Devise a proposal based on your solution and assign a dollar value to it. Make sure to put a deadline on your solution (trust me here). It's always a good idea to get a clear idea from the department when they'd be looking to start with you. If it's June 13, and their fiscal year begins January 1, their budget is likely due in October. A November 1 deadline is therefore feasible.

  6. Follow up periodically to find out if they have questions and to remind them about the deadline. Keep it casual, not desperate. You've got better things to do with your life, but you're reminding them as a courtesy.

  7. Repeat concurrently with other departments. Don't worry about putting out too many feelers and accidentally getting too many opportunities. That's a good problem and you'll figure it out! As my friend Shante Cofield, The Movement Maestro says: "Say yes to everything you want to do and figure it out later."

Want more help? Download the free PDF from my website here.

​You can also get on my waitlist for my class called Career Coaching Fire. The waitlist always gets the first crack at registration and saves the monies!

I can’t stress enough how important it is to remain positive and patient in the pursuit of a Career Coaching within the Fire Service.  Have a question?  Send me an email!

AZ is out!


A Comprehensive Guide for Health and Wellness Professionals Who Want to Work in Fire